Sunday, August 8, 2010

Starting A New Business

I found a new product that I am really excited about.  It is called Shirley J.  It is a fast, and economical way to cook with  “just add water” sauces, spices, and bakery mixes.  I was so interested when I looked at the website that I ordered a sample pack right away.  It has been great.  I love to cook and make new and tasty things, and it is so easy with Shirley J.  I know that I have probably annoyed the mess out of my co workers and family, but I really am that excited. 

After working a long day and having a long commute, it is wonderful to come home and get dinner on the table in such a short amount of time.  I must add, “home cooked".

The other thing I find a huge plus is that these products have a long shelf life.  Food storage couldn’t be any easier.  We are counseled to “store what we eat.”  Every mix and sauce Shirley J sells was made with food storage in mind. 

Anyway, I have updated some of our everyday favorites as well as tried new dishes.  I still must say, I am very excited to be a part of this company.

One of our favorites so far; Southwestern Chicken Corn Chowder.  Check it out!shirleyj

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