Sunday, January 4, 2009


Today during sacrament meeting, the Hight family was sitting in front of us. They have three children, with the two oldest being girls. These girls are like bulls! They are stout and loud, but very cute! Audrey, who is three, turned around and said very loudly while pointing to Phil's head, "You're pink!" (I think because he has no hair and the top of his head shows!) Her mother giggled and so did we! We have pointed to his head all day today mimicking Audrey's revelation! I don't care who you are, this was funny! He thought this was very funny too!
Phil was released from teaching primary and today was returning all of his books and picture packets and lesson "helps." All of this was stacked on the bench next to him. On this stack was a yellow bean bag. Katie, Audrey's sister spotted it and very quietly asked Phil for it. He gave it to her and she very quietly said, "We'll keep an eye on it." And then very matter of factly turned around with her treasure.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Santa Brought a Wii for Christmas

We have had more fun with the Wii! I think Phil and I have had more fun that we thought! We love the bowling and here we are demonstrating our "professional" bowling skills!

The Sugar Bowl

Nana and Papa are proud owners of Alabama football apparel. They are shown here sporting their new fleece coverings while watching Alabama get their socks knocked off by Utah! As you can see, they are posing in front of the TV showing stats from the game!
Don't you know there were a lot of Alabama fans who were not so happy about the final score of this game! Oh well, as we say in Alabama, "Roll Tide!" Maybe next year!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's and Bunco


Phil and I went out on New Year's eve and had a wonderful time with friends in the ward. First we went to Mike and Peggy Messervy's for social time and some great hors' de vours (or as Phil would say, "some snacks!")

After the Messervey's, we went down to Jared and Sheila McLaughlin's for more "snacks," fireworks, and some football on the big screen. Here you will see some pictures of the fun! We did not get home until after midnight. The girls were at home with their friends and some "snacks" and called every once in a while to check on us. At one time Jessica asked what time we were going to get home! I found this very ironic!

Every year one of my closest friends, Philomena Jones throws a "Friends and Family Bunco" day on New Year's Day! It is awesome! we have sooo much fun! We eat some great food, hamburgers and hotdogs, homemade mac'n cheese, and we all bring a dessert! I took that wonderful banana pudding that we love so much! It was personally requested as the "Banana Fluffy Stuff" pictured here!
Afterwards, we have cocoa! Philomena is a mean cocoa maker!! We all put a few bucks in the pot and the winners are chosen at the end of the game! All the little kids play and we have a great time! We look forward to it every year! This was our 4th year to attend! As usual, the Trigg's won all the money! This is a running joke! What a great way to start a new year. We are truly blessed with great family and wonderful friends!

Trans Siberian Orchestra!