You really never know what life may bring. You do all that you can and all that you have been taught to stay sane in a world full of turmoil and trials. It is because of the these teachings that we stay on course and rely on our Heavenly Father to help us muddle through! Sometimes even small things seem huge! But no matter what, we have been carried and the trials seem smaller, more manageable.
Our lives have taken quite a shift lately. Of course, Eric has been gone from our home, but not our hearts for 3 years. We miss him and love him, but really it is a good miss! Jessica is preparing to move west. We are proud of her decision and grateful for the support that we receive from family and friends in this endeavor. I am already getting my mind in the mode for "loosing" more child to adulthood! Just thinking about all that needs to be done and following through is very overwhelming. I know she feels that way too. She is her mother's child in that her heart is directly linked to her tear ducts, so needless to say, this has been a very emotional week for us. You never really think when they are small that this time will come so fast! Mom told me once when I was very frustrated with the kids when they were little, "Don't wish this time away." What great advice because I know I have done just that from time to time without really realizing it!
We have been having "do you remember when" sessions lately. How did we ever get through all those years! Have we been good enough parents? Did we teach them all the important things they need to know? Thanks to a wonderful family, they were always surrounded by examples of love, kindess, and charity. Will they reflect that example in their lives?
Not too long ago at church, one of the member of our ward came up to us and said, "Hey, you guys are almost empty nesters!" That was kind of a reality check. I guess that is inevitable. We are fastly becoming accustomed to the idea! What am I crying about! Life really is like a box of chocolates . . . .