Saturday, September 13, 2008


Sara was invited to go to Austin High School's 2008 Homecoming. Chris Ferris is the young man she is going with. He is really a nice guy. Notice the very LARGE corsage on her dress! This is the thing here in Decatur (Idon't know about anywhere else!) I had a doosey of a time trying to get that thing on her dress!!! As I was pinning it on her she reminded me that the guy is supposed to pin the flower on the girl. I said, "Well, Chris cannot put his hand where I am putting mine." He said that his dad said he should'nt do it. We kind of got a kick out of that! As the report goes, they had a very good time!


lelu said...

Sara, you look so cute! Glad you had fun. Jana, I'm glad your posting again. Check out my blog, I added you to my links.

Marlena said...

Sara looks so pretty!